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Pretty fun game, the deckbuilding aspect was quite fun, as well as each action having its own art. And trying to beat your high-score is a source of replay value.


I 100% recommend this game


I played this game recently and it's extremely enjoyable 

The mechanics and stats work so well together. I greatly appreciate the fact we can choose to not gain a boon-card from the summoned demons. I found the character really charming. Super fun to see them do their actions during their cards!


holy shoot!!! this game is super good

I keep coming back to this one. I first played it at least a year ago, but it's really good and every now and then I come back to play it again. I really love this one, it's one of my favorite games I've found on I've spent a lot of time playing it and I have found only two, pretty minor, issues:

1. There doesn't seem to be a way to mute the audio from within the game.

2. It's possible to get stuck if you pick a card like scry where you draw cards and must play one, but you can't play one.


whats the deference between the versions

LudumDare is a development contest with a time limit and possibly imposed themes.

The other version is probably a refined version of what was proposed by the developper for the contest.

So you could say the version labeled "Old" and "LudumDareVersion" to be a "rushed" version or a "draft" of what the game now is.

horny inscryptio

nice game


The game actually has a bug where you can't lose due to not paying rent by aquiring 3 or more "rent overdue" cards (my assumption being that the losing condition is if "numberofrentcards" = 2 instead of >= 2)

otherwise great game with a gameplay that has much potential

Nice 30min killer.

Android version?


This game is quite entertaining, specially when you're awfully bored.

I love this so much, I keep coming back to it. I almost wish it was a physical card game.

Might have found a minor bug though - when you choose scry and can't do any of the options, you get stuck and have to close out of the game completely.


Good art, good game made a lot worse by being unforgiving with so much variance.


Randomly found this while looking for board games. Pretty fun, though I kept dying trying to get the 15 prisoners for Satan :p
It would really improve things if you could see how many cards are in your discard pile and deck, as well as some better explanation of why you draw more or less cards each turn (I think it's related to events?).

The last upload dont start :(


I didn't know, that satan have so many boobs...



Looks like fun! But by reason the game resets to turn 1 randomly (or am I missing some game over condition?). I wish there was some messaging system in there, telling what's going on.

Yeah, you were probably running out of food. Apparently we put that rule on our Ludum page but forgot to put it here, sorry. We updated the page to show it. There's a better "You Lose" notification now too.

Oh, I see. The message could be even more informative though - “you ran out of food. Game over”. Now I see a different bug - at some point all cards from the desk disappear. Like, I click End button and new set is empty, no matter how many turns I skip.

We're looking into it, some others reported that bug too. We think it has something to do with the "Bank Heist" card, so for now we'll post that in Known Bugs so people can avoid it.

What's the last link for? 😅

It was an outdated Windows link, since we reuploaded when we ported it to Mac and Linux